Stand Up and Cheer!

Stand Up and Cheer is a 1934 American musical film directed by Hamilton MacFadden. The screenplay by Lew Brown and Ralph Spence was based upon a story idea by Will Rogers and Philip Klein. The film is about efforts undertaken during the Great Depression to boost the morale of the country. It is essentially a vehicle for a string of vaudeville acts and a few musical numbers. This film is best known for providing the first big breakthrough role for legendary child actress Shirley Temple. A little known bit player prior to this movie, by the end of the year, she would appear inmovies, includingstarring roles in major featurelength films.

The President of the United States decides that the true cause of the Great Depression raging when the film was released is a loss of optimism as a result of a plot by financiers and bankers who are getting rich from the Depression. The President then appoints Lawrence Cromwell as secretary for the newly created Department of Amusement. Cromwell creates an army of entertainers and sends them out across the country. Much of the action centers around Cromwell auditioning acts in his office with interruptions from janitor George Bernard Shaw played by Stepin Fetchit. At the end, as a musical production number breaks forth, Cromwell looks out of his office window and sees the Depression literally, instantaneously lift.Lew Brown who served as both producer and scriptwriter can also be heard in the film. Brown performs an impression of Jimmy Durante, his voice dubbed over footage of a penguin that interacts with Stepin Fetchit. ........

Source: Wikipedia